The P&C is made of up of parents from the school and community like you, who volunteer their time, effort and experience throughout the year to work in partnership with school.  Our aim is to raise money and support the school and teaching staff, ultimately bettering our school facilities and enhancing our kids learning opportunities.

The P&C has an executive of 10 people, consisting of a President, two Vice Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer and up to 7 office bearers.  Under the executive are a number of subcommittees such as the communications, fundraising, band and strings committees, the gardens and grounds, finance, buildings and Canteen & uniform shop.

We employee three part time employees; two to run the canteen and one for the uniform shop.  All profits from the canteen and uniform shop return to the P&C.

Finally our Major P&C initiatives committee and largest fundraiser is our annual Fete.

The school fete is our biggest initiative as it involves every single school family and majority of the school staff. We do not outsource stalls to third parties – all stalls are 100% run by parents! On average, we raise roughly $55-65K annually via our amazing fete.

As a result of fundraising by the P&C, we have paid for:

  • New PA System & Fans in the Hall
  • Synthetic turf to both sites
  • New seats at the K-2 and 3-6 site for the kids
  • The Outdoor learning area at the 3-6 Site
  • Wi-Fi to the school
  • Air-conditioning in classrooms
  • Interactive whiteboards, iPads and devices
  • Upgrade to the K-2 playground and 3-6 playgrounds
  • We put on a Welcome and Thank You BBQ’s for school families
  • The Fathering Project, where over 170 people or about 70 families attended
  • Mothers and Father’s Day stalls where kids buy gifts
  • Maker night – is making robots
  • Kindy home readers
  • A Successful Music Program – We have one of the biggest Music Programs on the North Shore made up of choirs, bands and string ensembles. The Band and Strings fall under the P&C umbrella and are both 100% managed by parent volunteers. There are over 120 kids in the music program. String Group recruits children all the way from Kindergarten to Year 6. Band recruits kids from Year 3

That’s the P&C in a nut shell.

You are part of an incredibly close and unique schooling community with an amazing desire to put back into the school to make it the best school it can be.

We would love for you to get involved as it will be you and the families that follow after you, that will make our school better for both students of today, and tomorrow.

Monthly meetings
Learn more when and where P&C meetings takes place.