This page contains useful info from parents for parents. This information is based on our experience integrating in the school community. It is not meant to provide comprehensive definitions, but rather to help parents and guardians navigate the school community. If you can think of any other helpful tips or information, please email your suggestions to
Starting at PHPS
The year before kindy
Open day
An Open Day is held for prospective Kindergarten students and their families in approximately June, this is a great opportunity to see the school and start the enrolment process.
How to enrol
Enrolment information can be found on the school website:
An enrolment pack is usually provided at the Open Day.
When attending the enrolment appointment you’ll need to bring your child’s Birth Certificate or identity documents, copies of family law or other relevant court orders, your child’s immunisation history statement and proof of residence.
Parent Information evening
Shortly prior to Kinderlinks an information evening is held for
Kinderlinks Orientation
Every year, children who have enrolled in Kindergarten for the following year have the opportunity to participate in Kinderlinks. For 1.5 hours once a week for four weeks, your child can come to the school and experience what it’s like to be in Kindy.
During their time at Kinderlinks, parents will be invited to morning tea, information sessions on what to expect when school starts, and during the final week be treated to a concert by the children!
Before and After School Care (BASC)
Located in Bellthorn Cottage on the Trebor Road (K – 2) campus, BASC is a not-for-profit service managed by a dedicated committee of parent volunteers acting under appropriate incorporation legislation. The centre operates from 7.00 – 8:45am and from 3.15 – 6.15pm during school term, and offers a vacation care program during school holidays.
Contact BASC directly for forms to put your child on the waiting list for before and after school care the following year – call 9481 8696 or email
Information for New Kindy Parents
Best Start interviews
Teachers conduct Best Start interviews with every new Kindergarten child before their first day of school. The interview gives teachers a chance to get to know each child and gain some insights into their literacy, numeracy and social skills in a one-on-one setting. Parents should be prepared to sit outside the classroom while the interview is being conducted.
First day of school
Be positive and encouraging! If you’re feeling a bit teary, don’t let it show (at least not until you leave the school grounds). Get into a routine as soon as possible.
The kindergarten parents from the year prior organise a special morning tea to welcome new parents, after you have dropped off on the first day this is a great opportunity to meet the other parents in your class and start to form the networks and friendships you will make at your time at PHPS. Plus it helps to share a few tears and smiles with other parents feeling exactly the same mix of emotions as you!
In Kindy, children are just adjusting to being in school. They don’t have structured homework, but they will bring home early readers at their level to read with family members at home. In year 1, children continue to bring readers home every day. In addition, they bring a list of spelling words home to practice throughout the week. From year 2, children start to have more structured homework. And so it continues with the expectation for children to complete slightly more homework each year than they did the prior year.
Getting to know your child’s teacher
Meet the teacher evening
There is a Meet the Teacher evening in week 3 of Term 1. Parents/caregivers are invited to their child’s classroom to meet the teacher(s), hear about the class routine, plans for the year and any tips from the teacher. These evenings are usually just for one hour, and they are designed to be a child-free opportunity for parents/caregivers to meet teachers. Making arrangements to attend is a wonderful opportunity to meet the teacher and other parents/caregivers in your child’s class.
Parent-teacher interviews
Later in Term 1, parents/caregivers are advised when they can schedule an interview with their child’s teacher. This is an opportunity to get specific feedback about your child — how they are adjusting academically and socially in the classroom. The teacher will have information to share with you, and will reserve time for any questions you may have. It is a great opportunity to discuss any support that may help your child develop strategies and skills to help them succeed.
Open night
The school has an open night in Term 3 which is an opportunity for parents/caregivers to come with your child to visit your child’s classroom to see what work they have done so far during the year. Your child will love to give you a tour of the classroom, showing you their books, artwork and other elements of their daily life at school. Your child will take you to see the computer room and the library on the primary site. At the library, your child can participate in the library book donation. This is something that kids from K-6 can’t wait to do!! There are heaps of books on tables for the kids to choose from. Once they select a book, they complete a donation form and they take the book, donation form and $5 to Ms Davis. (Children can donate more than one book — it’s just $5 per book). During the following week Ms Davis puts the blue donation label on the inside cover saying that your child donated this book to the library. Your child gets to be the first to borrow the book he or she chose.
Other meetings
If you are at the school at drop-off and pick-up times, feel free to say hello to your child’s teacher. If you have questions or concerns that may require an in-depth conversation, it is best to make schedule an appointment. You can do that by contacting the school office, either by phone (9484 1134) or email ( After you leave a message, your child’s teacher may either reply by phone or email, or schedule a meeting to discuss.
Merit Awards and Principal’s Awards
The school uses merit awards to acknowledge children’s work and contributions in the classroom, on the playground, in sports and in other settings around the school. When students receive a blue merit award, they are recognised in an assembly. When students accumulate 5 blue merit awards (which can be accrued from year to year), they return them to their teacher. The teacher submits them to the office, and the student is presented with a Principal’s Award at an assembly. Once a student accumulates 3 Principal’s Awards, they become eligible for a Principal’s Pizza lunch. The student just needs to bring the 3 awards into the office, and their name is placed on a list. When there are enough students on the list, the school organises a pizza lunch with the principal.
Mufti Days
The school and P&C hold a number of mufti days throughout the year. Mufti days are when students are not required to wear their uniforms to school. Generally, mufti days are associated with a fundraiser. For example, children may be invited to wear a costume or casual clothes and bring either a gold coin donation or a particular item, such as small toys or lollies, to donate. Some of the mufti days include fete mufti days, Harmony Day and Pirate Day. Sometimes the funds are raised for our World Vision sponsor child or other causes such as UNICEF. Other donations are to build a stock of small toys and lollies for our fete in May.
Buddy System
Every child in years K-2 is paired with a buddy in year 3-6. The older buddy may write notes to, spend time with, or generally look out for their younger buddy. It’s nice for parents/caregivers to know their young child has someone special at the school.
Keeping current with PHPS
The Pennant, the school newsletter & eNews
The Pennant is distributed electronically each week of term on Tuesday. Read it as soon as possible as it is filled with information from the Principal, P&C, music and sporting groups and reminds parents of important days, such as mufti-days.
Follow the link below to the school’s website with instructions on how to download the ‘School eNews’ App and/or to subscribe to the Newsletter and relevant notices for your child’s year
School website
Keep current with the school website:
Term Dates
Visit the school website for term dates:
School Counsellor
School counsellors are experienced teachers who have a degree in psychology and post-graduate qualifications in school counselling. They can work with students of all ages and their families, throughout their school years.
The school counsellor can also assist students who may be feeling extremely sad or anxious. Contact the school office or your child’s teacher if you would like to make an appointment.
Language and Cultural Immersion
After many years of offering a wonderful language and cultural immersion program in Indonesian, the school’s Indonesian teacher retired in 2015. The school spent 2016 assessing the best way forward. Based on input from parents, the school will select among two possible languages (Mandarin and French) based on the language area of the teacher hired.
Engaging with PHPS
Class parent program
The P & C Communications Group run the school class parent program as a means of distributing communications both P & C and school related to PHPS families. Each class has 1-2 self-nominated Class Parents who collect a class email list and forward relevant information from the class teacher and the P & C. The class parent/s also organise social activities such as class plays or dinners a few times a year and supports the fete stall coordinator in their role leading up to the Fete in May.
For more information about becoming a class parent or to find out who your class parent is, please email
Class helpers
Parents/caregivers can get involved as volunteers at the school. Some of the opportunities are:
- Offering your time in the classroom (parent helpers are needed for reading and sports)
- Volunteering at the school canteen (the kids love to visit you at the canteen to purchase their treats!)
- Occasional parent helpers are needed on excursions, sporting days or for extra activities in the classroom which are usually advertised by your class parents
Don’t forget to sign-in and out at the office if you are helping on site during school hours.
Other volunteer opportunities
The school and P&C can always use help. There are committees and groups to join, such as STEM volunteers/think tank and BBQ helpers for Carols.
Getting kids involved
There is a broad range of extra-curricular activities for kids. They can get involved in PSSA sports including touch football, netball, soccer and softball. Other opportunities include choir, band, strings and dance. Keep an eye out for flyers and announcements in the school newsletter. These are wonderful opportunities to get children active and developing new skills.
Dance concert
Every 2nd year in October, the school organises a dance concert for all of the children in the school to participate in. The teachers and the dance teacher are involved in planning, choreographing, staging, making costumes and helping the children to practice, practice and practice some more for the concert. The end result is a magical evening of dance and music. Tickets for the dance concert go on sale a month or so before the event. It is worth inviting family and friends to enjoy this amazing performance put on by the school and your children.
Upcoming dance concert years: 2018, 2020 (cancelled), 2022
Art show
Every 2nd year, the school organises an art show for all of the children in the school to participate in. Every class has a theme for their artwork. On the day of the exhibit, the P&C runs a barbecue. The show is open to all parents and friends.
Upcoming art show years: 2017, 2019, 2021
Other events
Our school and P&C hold other events, such as the school disco, BBQs, K-2 sports carnival, movie night, grandparents day, canteen specials days, carols night and mothers’ and fathers’ day stalls. Details about these events are presented in the school newsletter or notes sent home with the students throughout the year.