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Band Program

The Band Program has been in existence for over 25 years. It is open to all children in years 3- 6 and currently has over 70 participants.  It is not part of the mandatory school curriculum and as such operates as an extra curricula activity outside of school hours, supported by the P&C.

Parents have the responsibility of coordinating and running all aspects of the band program. This is done through the band committee that is under the auspices of the P&C but has its own self-contained structure.  

The band committee works closely with our wonderful conductors Dave Odams (Musical Director) and Rose Foster who are both local professional musicians, conductors and tutors.

Two of our young trumpeters at the Music Program Information Night
Two of our young trumpeters at the Music Program Information Night

Our philosophy is to instil a love of music and playing an instrument in an inclusive
and motivating band program. A multi-faceted approach from the Committee,
Conductors, Tutors and the School aims to provide many performance opportunities
and a comprehensive range of services to fulfil all band members’ needs.


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