This is the parent helper roster for each family to assist the conductor in rehearsals, setting up, packing down, taking the roll and making sure the students behave appropriately. It is a great way of seeing for yourself what a rehearsal looks like. Thank you for your time!

Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4


Filling in the Google Sheets roster
Click the link above to the roster you’re going to fill in and it will take you to the Google spreadsheet web page. Check the dates for the various weeks in the term and type your name into the “Parent Helper” cell for the days which you’re going to volunteer for.



Band Parent Helper Duty

During the year you will be asked to help out at rehearsals as a parent helper.

A roster link has been sent to you to sign up on a day that suits your family. If you haven’t already done so, please add your name to the list.

In Band the most you will be required to help out is 4 times per year. In smaller bands, this may be more, but we hope that every parent will make an effort to help out so that no one person needs to shoulder the load.

Below is a list of duties that you will need to undertake at these rehearsals. A copy of this should be with the roll, or on the wall in the music room.

Thank-you for your assistance.
The Band Committee

  • Before the session starts, introduce yourself to Mr Dave Odams (SCB, JB) or to Ms Rose Foster (TB & ICB) and ask if they require any specific assistance from you.
  • Along with any mentors, assist bass guitar (and keyboard) students setting up.
  • Parent helper MUST mark off the children’s ATTENDANCE in the appropriate date column in the band roll. Please pay special attention to the key on the side on how to mark the roll (P present, L present but late (after normal start time), VL present but very late (more than 10 minutes after normal start time, A absent, NA notified absent) THIS IS COMPULSORY! If you can’t find the roll in the basket on the shelf ask the conductor.
  • Help anyone (student or parent) who seems lost or may not know what to do, needs attention or has any questions
  • Supervise children with setting up chairs, music stands and percussion. (The children should know where everything goes, how many chairs etc)
  • Some children may require help setting up their instruments, help if able to.
  • Please make sure no one is talking or playing whilst the conductor is teaching. (Channel your inner teacher voice!)
  • Provide an additional set of adult eyes, ears and hands to the conductor.
  • Supervise the children packing up their instruments, and the band room.
  • Nobody is to leave the band room until everything is packed up AND the conductor says so. Percussionists may need assistance from other band members.
  • Chaperone the TB & ICB students to the 3-6 site after morning rehearsals. Perform “head counts” before leaving, at Greycliff crossing, and at 3-6 site.