The children love the canteen and it’s a great convenience with yummy healthy food when you don’t have time to pack your child’s lunch!

Hours of Opening

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

K – 2: 1.10pm to 1.45pm (lunch time only for snack purchases)
3 – 6: 8.45am to 1.50pm (recess and lunch)

About your Canteen

The school canteen is located on the 3 – 6 site, with provision for the K – 2 children to access its services through lunch orders and the ability to purchase snack items such as ice blocks, chips and other small items from the mobile facility located on the verandah of Bellthorn Cottage at lunch times.

Our canteen operates on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. It is a non-profit P&C initiative, run by our paid supervisor, Carolyn Harriss, and her team of parent volunteers, without whom it would be impossible to operate.

The canteen provides a healthy variety of delicious and nutritious food for our children, most of which is made on site from freshly bought ingredients at very reasonable prices. The canteen complies with the DEC Fresh Tastes @ School Healthy Canteen Strategy and is nut free. Food for special diets such as gluten free or vegetarian is available.

All lunches are prepared at the 3-6 site and are available at lunchtime for the children who have placed an order. Year 3 – 6 children may purchase their recess from the counter at recess time and do not need to place a recess order.  K-2 lunches are also prepared at the 3-6 site and are brought to the K-2 site at lunch time.


How to place a lunch order

Lunch orders are placed online through Flexischools. The cut-off time for ordering is 10am on the canteen day.

  • If you do not have a Flexischools account, you need to first register with Flexischools
  • Create a Flexischools account and top up the account. You can top up your account by EFT (no cost) or via credit card (Visa or MasterCard- 29c cost) or PayPal (35c cost). All accounts are managed by Westpac – Flexischools does not onsell any information.
  • After you have registered you will be connected to the new account page. Enter each child at PHPS and their class.
  • To order lunch, log in and click on “Order Lunch” for the day you would like to order. Orders can be placed at any time, 24/7. The cut-off for the day is 10am sharp.
  • Don’t forget to remind your child that they have an order! It can be collected from the labelled class basket at lunchtime.
  • If you have pre-ordered lunch and your child is sick on the day, log in and cancel the order.

If your child leaves school early due to illness or any other reason, please contact the canteen and collect their lunch before taking them from the school. We cannot refund money for food which has already been prepared. Any food which is not collected at lunchtime will need to be disposed of.

If you forget to order lunch, your child will receive a Vegemite sandwich.

The children love the canteen and it’s a great convenience with yummy healthy food if you don’t have time to pack your child’s lunch!


We rely on volunteers in order for our canteen to run and it is a great way to contribute to the school community.

If you would like to help, we welcome parents/grandparents/carers to help out at the canteen (3 – 6) to assist in preparing lunches.  No experience is required.  For those who have children at the K-2 site, you can go to the K-2 site to sell snacks at the K-2 canteen and see your child/ren.  Sibling preschoolers are welcome at the K-2 site but are not able to come to the 3-6 site as it is a commercial kitchen where food is being prepared.

Contact Heather if you are interested in becoming a monthly volunteer, or even if you are able to help every now and again.

Email: or SMS 0425 274 681