The children love the canteen and it’s a great convenience with yummy healthy food when you don’t have time to pack your child’s lunch!

The school canteen is a non-profit P&C initiative, run by our paid canteen manager, Heather Tyler, and her team of parent volunteers, without whom it would be impossible to operate.

Please see here for more information about opening hours and how to place orders.


We rely on volunteers in order for our canteen to run and it is a great way to contribute to the school community.

If you would like to help, we welcome parents/grandparents/carers to help out with over the counter snack sales at the 3-6 or K-2 site.

Sibling preschoolers are welcome at the K-2 site but are not able to come to the 3-6 site as it is a commercial kitchen where food is being prepared.

Contact Heather if you are interested in becoming a canteen volunteer, or even if you are able to help every now and again.

Email: or SMS 0425 274 681